Last update: 08/11/2019

Wednesday 13 November
9:50 10:25

Session I : Looking back for looking forward

9:50 9:55

Why looking back for looking forward

9:55 10:05

What have we achieved in the last decade?

10:05 10:15

Where do we want to land in 2030 and how do we get there?

10:15 10:25

E-voting on achievements last 10 years and expectations for the next decade

10:25 10:45

Coffee break

13:45 16:15

Session III : The future energy system: a 2030 horizon

14:10 14:25

An evolving grid: A Technology Perspective

14:25 14:40

ENTSO-E Vision 2030: Setting the Scene

15:15 15:30

Building the grid for 2030: What power grid for 2030?

15:30 15:45

Cables as key enabler for building the grid of 2030

15:45 16:00

What does greenhouse gas reduction and renewable target compliant mean for the grid?

16:15 17:50

Session IV : Innovative and digital solutions

16:15 16:30

Digital & Innovative Solutions for the Power System

16:30 16:50


16:50 17:05

European TSOs research & innovation projects

17:05 17:20

How to facilitate the deployment of innovative technologies

18:20 18:50

The next decade ahead - Concluding remarks

18:20 18:50


What priorities for the European Commission on energy? Ditte Juul-Jørgensen

18:50 20:00

ENTSO-E 10 years celebration cocktail hosted by Fingrid